Get Involved With The Heal Los Angeles Foundation
Your Donations Impact The Youth of Los Angeles
Select one of our most common donation amounts or enter your custom donation amount.
If you would like to make a donation to Heal Los Angeles Foundation, please note that checks can be mailed to the following address:
The Heal Los Angeles Foundation
C/O John Muto
1621 West 25th Street #125
San Pedro, CA 90732
Thank you for your contribution
At the Heal Los Angeles Foundation, we're dedicated to bettering our communities. We also know that we can't enact the level of change we're looking for on our own.
We truly believe that we have the platform and capabilities to create positive change for the youth of today and tomorrow, but we need your help!
Any amount helps and will be contributed to empowering our communities. We believe that the biggest changes start from the smallest steps, and if we can work together, hand in hand, we will make this world a better place.
"For you and for me, and the entire human race."
- Michael Jackson